Saturday, October 30, 2010

Cirigliano Forni has arrived!!!!

Remember when you were a kid? lets say Christmas time remember how excited you were to see what Santa brought you!!!!!
Well its frickin Christmas time in Nor Cal and I just got my present.

The Cirigliano Forni is the best Italian Pizza oven you can bake in and it will be fired up soon in the new Seasons Pizzeria Sports Bar and Grill and I could not be more excited.

I Baked my first pizza in the Cirigliano Forni in June of 07 at the Citta Di Napoli original Margherita Pizza competition in Naples Italy, it
was a great time, I was part of the World Pizza Champions team that went to compete. When you are in a culinary competition in a different county it tends to rattle your cage a little to say the least, hoping you do it right, don't burn the pizza (even though the oven is 900 degrees) but all the jitters go away once you slide that pizza off the peel onto the deck, you immediately see the dough begin to rise! scramble for the small peel to turn the pizza before it's charcoal and watch it cook in a matter of 9o seconds, yes you heard me right, 90 seconds and you have pizza perfection!

Fast forward to November 2010 and I have my first Cirigliano Forni delivered to the new restaurant and yes I have already fired it and baked on it and of course the pizza was incredible, cant wait to get the place open and let everyone taste pure Italian perfection.

I want to thank the Marra Bros and Jeff Calwell of ERS Euro Restaurant Solutions for the great oven, they are true professionals and of course being raised in Italy they definitely know there business and have import only the best ovens and tools you can buy. Great products are only as good as the people that sell them and support them and I can tell you from knowing the Marra Bros and Jeff for the past four years that if you ever have any problems you can count on them to resolve them, Thanks guys, I appreciate your friendship, see you in Vegas!
Check out their site, tell them the World Pizza Champions sent you
Chef Glenn

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