Fresh Baked Bread! there is nothing better than walking into the house and smelling the warm crunchy goodness you are just about to slather with butter! and it is really good for you to, think about it you have water flour yeast a little salt and a pinch of sugar, of course you can get really detailed in your baking but the point is to make it easy and fresh. when you think about all the processed breads you eat and how much the artisan breads you buy it really ads up to a lot of money and preservatives your family can do without! I have a series of pics for you to look at and I will explain them as we go.

The first Pic is of the dough that has risen, after mixing your ingredients you will let the dough stand and rise, then you will take it out of the bowl and start your stretch and rest routine, taking the dough and stretching it then folding it on top of itself, you do this about four times and allow the bread to rest in between stretches about ten minutes each stretch, you can see the dough in my hands.

After you stretch and let the dough rest then you can ball it and put a little olive oil on the top and rub it around the dough ball to keep the moisture in, let the dough sit and rise again or you can put it into a container and refrigerate it overnight or up to 4 days, if baking the same day then make sure you have preheated the oven to 500 and "if you are using a baking stone make sure the stone is also preheating in the oven" when you get ready to put the dough on the stone for baking turn the oven down to 425

Once in the oven the bread will take about 18 minutes to bake to a light airy interior and a nice brown crunchy crust! to check if the loaf is done thump it with your finger and it should sound hollow, let it stand for about 15 minutes and enjoy! I love baking fresh breads and ounce you get the hang of it you will too!
Chef Glenn
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