Sunday, August 29, 2010

Harvest Fair time again!

The Sonoma County Harvest Fair is here again! I love this time of year because it is the one time that all the best Chefs in the County come out to showcase their best recipes for the Professional Food Competition. The Fair is the official launch of the crush season in Sonoma County and the time that wine makers get judged on their new releases! so what better way to showcase great wine then with great food! and that is what its all about.

I compete every year, and in the past 7 years I have racked up over 60 Culinary awards and am grateful for everyone, this year is not different except for the fact that I entered two wood fired Pizza's and the wood fired oven I used was none other than THE BIG GREEN EGG compliments of Asiens Appliance in Santa Rosa Ca. (see past blogs on Bread and Pizza on the Egg) the Egg cooks the pizza in about 2.5 minutes at 650 degrees and since the heat radiates around the stone you can char the crust just like in a wood fired oven, the results are amazing and I will be posting a video next week on how to cook a perfect pizza on the Egg.

I won a Gold Medal in the Seafood Appetizer Category for my Dungeones Crab Wood Fired Pizza, this is one that I also won first place in North America at the Cittta Di Napoli cup in Naples Italy in 08, cooked on a wood fired Cirigliani Forni.

I also won a Gold Medal for my Sweet Italian Sausage pizza, I make my sausage and that definitely was a strong ingredient in the win as well. My house made Chicken Chipotle Sausage won Double Gold Medal in total I entered 6 items and won 1 Double Gold, 3 Gold and 2 Bronze.

More importantly than the medals is the Gala Awards Event, that is the night that all the winning Chefs and Winery's get to showcase the recipes for over 2000 people! it is amazing and very busy as we are preparing fresh samples for everyone to try of all entries, but in the end I get to see chef friends that I only see if I am eating at there restaurant or they at mine, and at the Harvest fair, we talk about business a little, the kids a little and the food ALOT.

Harvest time in the wine country, it is a great time of the year to visit and a great event to attend when you are here, I am including a few websites for you to take a look at, let them know that Chef Glenn sent you and make sure to stop by one of my restaurants when you are here and say hi, I would love to meet you!

Chef Glenn,

To see a Big Green Egg n person THEN BUY IT go to and tell Chris and Paul I said hi.

To buy tickets and get info on the Harvest Fair go to its a great event in the Sonoma County Wine Country

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