So I am filming in my kitchen this weekend for some You-tube clips and footage for my cooking show (name to be announced) and decided to post some pics of the bread I baked this morning and talk a little about the olive oil I used to bake it!
Santiago Olive Oil, is a robust extra virgin Olive Oil cold pressed and from Chile' the story behind this great company is very interesting, from the architecture of their pressing facility to the way they farm the olive trees using closer spaced trees that they grow shorter so that the harvest process can be done by machine instead of hand thus getting the fruit to the crush faster! for a better quality product.
Chef Jeff Levi and partner Philip Margarites are the guys to talk to about this great Olive Oil, I have used this in almost every recipe that I use Olive Oil in and I have to say it really is a great Olive Oil. The pic is of the natural sourdough loaf I baked this morning for the show, I topped it with Santiago and it baked perfectly, the sourdough comes from natural fermentation that I have been cultivating (with a lot of love) at my kitchen in Sonoma County California, so combining the two products from such different (birth) places is very exciting for me, and the taste? well just look at the bread and imagine a little Santiago in a dish with a sprinkle of sea salt and a nice glass of spicy Zin! how did that work for ya? LOL
Contact Philip Margarites at
Chef, Jeff Levi at
These guys know food and are just as passionate about it as I am! well almost :) tell them Chef Glenn sent you and get some Santiago Olive Oil from Chile' you will love this EVOO
Chef Glenn

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